Monday, September 14, 2009

Seriously...We Have Arrived!

We made it!

After a l-o-n-g two day trip from Texas and a l-o-n-g-e-r two month move in we are finally settled into our new life in Ohio. Of course, I use the word "settled" loosely. Starting school has helped us get into a routine, but there are still a few boxes straggling around our home.

We look forward to watching our family grow up in this home and seeing what is in store for our lives in this incredibly new place. I hope to share with you all our monumental achievements i.e. consistently finding the grocery store and our not so monumental achievements i.e. first true fall, first snow, you get the idea.

So, enjoy our life as you stalk us on the internet!


  1. We miss you already and glad I can now keep in touch! How is Madison doing? How is the new school? Has she made a lot of friends.

  2. So excited to add you to my friends on our blog! Can't wait to see you all of your adventures in your new home. Give Madison and Harper lots of hugs from us!

  3. yay welcome to the blogasphere!! i will connect you to my blog. LOVE
